What is the Trinity Psalter?


The Trinity Psalter is a book, put out by Crown & Covenant Publishing, which has versification and music for all 150 Psalms. It is available in two different forms - words/music or words-only. The words/music edition contains a score for the suggested tune as well as the versification, and is available in either paperback or spiralbound form. The words-only edition is a paperback designed to fit in a pew rack along with a hymnal. It contains only the versification and tune name/meter information.


We have found the Trinity Psalter to be an excellent resource for integrating Psalm-singing into worship and use it regularly, both at home and at church. While we do not always find the tunes suggested to be appropriate to the words or easily singable, it is simple to substitute different tunes for the words.


The Trinity Psalter can be purchased here.

